► 广东博罗300吨/日城市生活垃圾综合处理系统示范工程
300ton/a pilot plant of comprehensive municipal refuse treatment in Boluo, Huizhou
物质气化—蒸汽联合循环发电厂► 5.5MW质气化—蒸联合循环
► 100KW农林废弃物分散式气化发电 / 供气系统
100 kW decentralized agricultural and forestry waste gasification power generation and syngas supply system
► 100kg/hr印刷废料气化燃烧
100kg/hr Gasification & Combustion System for Printing Waste
► 200kW垃圾可燃组分气化发电
200kW Gasification Power Generation system for Combustible Components of MSW(Municipal Solid Waste)
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